Mr Rick Sings About God + Booze
Mr Rick Sings About God + Booze
Own Label
With poverty, and love and lust gone wrong, alcohol and religion are staple subjects of the blues. And trains of course. There must always be a train.
We nodded sagely when Tom Waits informed us, “...don't you know there ain't no devil, there's just God when he's drunk” and whether you believe that the devil’s in the detail or the detox centre, the premise of the Temperance Movement was that devil is in the decanter. For guilty, tempted believers, it’s always been a conflict between Saturday night and Sunday morning, but if there’s one thing verified in Mr Rick’s takes on thirteen God and booze songs, it’s that the devil doesn’t have all the best tunes. William Booth can rest easy.
Rick Zolkower is happily at home picking guitar and singing of the merits both of God and grog. With an edgy band, Steve Briggs and Drew Jureka respectively excelling on guitar and fiddle, the bottle talks, thanks are given for a feast prepared from two catfish and five cornbreads as Jono Lightstone’s clarinet adds counterpoint and the Ted Hawkins Singers provide a gospel choir patina. Death, champagne, bourbon and Heaven are all here. Praise the Lord and pass the moonshine.
Mr Rick’s takes on ‘You’ll Need Somebody On Your Bond’, ‘Liquor Store Blues’ and ‘Hush’ are among the best around, and he and his musicians sound as if they’re having a ball laying it before us. “I’ll skip any philosophic discussion regarding this CD”, he says, “Let’s just have fun with it. I’ll just sum it up as ‘Love whiskey – fear God”.
Amen to that. Or “cheers” if that’s your preference.
Date added: Apr 16, 2016
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